Her profile... The ultrasound tech didn't think we should expect much hair. Which is funny after all of the heart burn that I have been experiencing.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
3D Ultrasound
Wow! We were so amazed and so happy with our ultrasound today. As I said in a previous post, we went last week to have a 3D ultrasound done, and lil Khloe had her face turned into my back so that we couldn't see much of anything. Today was completely different. She was asleep most of the time, but we saw her face so clearly! What do you think? Does she look like her big brother? Jacob sat in his little seat and watched so intently. He keeps telling us, "I can't wait until Khloe gets here!" in his expressionate high-pitch voice! Here are some of our favorite pictures...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Baby Shower Invites
We are so excited for our BaBy Q in two weeks! It will be so fun to see family and friends, especially those who we don't see very often! We decided that we would do a "family style" shower so that Jacob and Jason could be included in the fun. (After all, despite the fact that up until now I have done ALL the work, I am not the only one having this baby!) Here is our invitation. Aren't they cute? I only wish that my family in Texas could be here. This is the part that stinks about living so far from family! However, I am so thankful to have Jason's family close by.
The Little Diva
After a week of intense excitement and anticipation, we woke up at the crack of dawn yesterday (I can't lie, it was really 7:30, but that's early for me these days!) to get a sneak peek at our angel's face. We visited the same ultrasound place, Baby's First Images, to have a 3D/4D ultrasound. If you have never seen pictures, they are amazing! You can actually see a 3D image of a baby's face, hands, feet, and everything in between! I had an oh-so-nutritious breakfast of cinnamon rolls and cold milk, hoping to get Khloe bouncing around during the ultrasound. She had already been really active all morning. Those sweet little taps that I began felting around 10 weeks ago have now turned into punches and pokes! Anyway, when we arrived, I noticed that she was very still and quiet. That should have been my first clue. The tech took us right back to the room, which has a huge movie screen to view the ultrasound. Right when she began moving the doppler, she said "uh oh!" (something no pregnant mother wants to hear!). Apparently our little diva was turned completely away from the camera with her face burried into the back of my uterus. The tech tried to prod her to turn and even had me stand up and bounce around. But, she wouldn't be bothered. She even put both hands AND a foot up over her face so that we couldn't see ANYTHING! (Although, Jason says that he caught a glimpse and is convinced that she looks just like her big brother.) We did confirm that she is DEFINITELY a girl (a relief, since her room is now totally pink-ti-fied!) Thankfully Baby's First Images has a redo policy that is allowing us to go back next Saturday, hoping for better results. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll post the ultrasound pictures then!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Khloe's Nursery...Still in Progress!

Summer Fun

Dora Live at the Fox Theater: Jacob was overwelmed at seeing Dora and all of her friends. We don't think that he blinked during the entire 2 hour show! Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it too-- and sang right along.

Wow! It's been a while! I know that some of you have been worried about me-- but everything is going great. We have had a wonderful summer and can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going by. While I am definitely looking forward to meeting our sweet baby girl, it makes me a little sad to think that this could be our last pregnancy. (Jason and I have a deal that we will take it one baby at a time-- at one point we definitely thought Jacob would be our only one! LOL)
Here are some revelations that I have discovered throughout the past few weeks...
#1. Being a "Stay-At-Home Mom" (SAHM for you acronym people) does not mean you sit at home eating bon-bons and watching soaps. I find Soaps a little annoying (sorry, Granny!) and I don't know if I've ever actually eaten a bon-bon-- although if it is chocolate I'm sure I'd love them now! I worried when I resigned last year that I would be bored at home day-after-day, but I've found that the week just flies by and I still am unable to get everything done. How on earth did I do it when I was working full time?!? Jacob is in Gymboree Class (a mommy-and-me tumbling class...Don't worry, I haven't tumbled, yet!) and we go to storytime at the library once a week. This month, we're thinking of adding a music class too. Add a shopping day and a cleaning day, and that's our week. I absolutely love it! It is so comforting to know that Jacob is not missing me all day, and I am not missing any of the incredible things that he is doing and learning.
#2. Cartoons are my best-worst enemy. Being 7 months pregnant, there are times when Khloe demands that I stop and put my feet up. This doesn't always jive with our first borns demands to go-go-go. So, I have discovered that with DVR we have a multitude of Dora and Diego cartoons available for his viewing pleasure. I always swore to myself that I would not use cartoons as a break for myself...but like my attempts to keep him on an all-natural, all-organic diet-- desperate times call for desperate measures. I can now sing all of the Dora tunes right along with him. Help!
#3. I will return to teaching, someday. As much as I love being at home, it does feel as if a part of me is missing. I absolutely love teaching, and I do miss it. I am so thankful that I decided to begin this adventure of staying home while pregnant because it has given me a big distraction from what I am usually doing this time of year. I'm not sure when I will return, and it may just be part time at a private school or preschool, but someday I definitely see myself back in the classroom. Until that time, my creative energy is going for my kids. Jacob now counts to "thirty-ten" (instead of forty!) and Khloe has a room full of "projects" that I've been working on.
Here are some revelations that I have discovered throughout the past few weeks...
#1. Being a "Stay-At-Home Mom" (SAHM for you acronym people) does not mean you sit at home eating bon-bons and watching soaps. I find Soaps a little annoying (sorry, Granny!) and I don't know if I've ever actually eaten a bon-bon-- although if it is chocolate I'm sure I'd love them now! I worried when I resigned last year that I would be bored at home day-after-day, but I've found that the week just flies by and I still am unable to get everything done. How on earth did I do it when I was working full time?!? Jacob is in Gymboree Class (a mommy-and-me tumbling class...Don't worry, I haven't tumbled, yet!) and we go to storytime at the library once a week. This month, we're thinking of adding a music class too. Add a shopping day and a cleaning day, and that's our week. I absolutely love it! It is so comforting to know that Jacob is not missing me all day, and I am not missing any of the incredible things that he is doing and learning.
#2. Cartoons are my best-worst enemy. Being 7 months pregnant, there are times when Khloe demands that I stop and put my feet up. This doesn't always jive with our first borns demands to go-go-go. So, I have discovered that with DVR we have a multitude of Dora and Diego cartoons available for his viewing pleasure. I always swore to myself that I would not use cartoons as a break for myself...but like my attempts to keep him on an all-natural, all-organic diet-- desperate times call for desperate measures. I can now sing all of the Dora tunes right along with him. Help!
#3. I will return to teaching, someday. As much as I love being at home, it does feel as if a part of me is missing. I absolutely love teaching, and I do miss it. I am so thankful that I decided to begin this adventure of staying home while pregnant because it has given me a big distraction from what I am usually doing this time of year. I'm not sure when I will return, and it may just be part time at a private school or preschool, but someday I definitely see myself back in the classroom. Until that time, my creative energy is going for my kids. Jacob now counts to "thirty-ten" (instead of forty!) and Khloe has a room full of "projects" that I've been working on.
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