View in the mirror hanging above her changing table.

The rocker that I had when I was a little girl. Jason repainted it and I sewed this pillow to match her bedding.

I made this! A diaper stacker that matches her bedding. (Probably the fastest thing I have sewed and my favorite too!)

Changing table/dresser. I know we'll spend a lot of time here!

Crib and Curtains. We had the hardest time finding wooden letters that went with our style. However, I love these that I found yesterday!

Another view of the curtains-- my first sewing project, and armoir. The plates on the wall say "Dreams do come true" and "Life is full of miracles". Love it!

Jacob wanted desperately to help Jason put furniture together...but he couldn't find his hammer. Oh, we are in the tantrum stage!

Much happier once mommy found his hammer!
Her nursery is so beautiful and girly! Jacob is such a big help! Where did you get the furniture? It matches perfectly!