Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ugh! Bedrest!

Well, after a small pregnancy scare this week (again!) everything appears to be fine. I went to the doctor yesterday for a level 2 ultrasound and to get everything checked out. Yet again, they tell me that they have no idea why I have these "issues" going on. However, I got to see all of our baby girl's organs and hear the heartbeat. The doctor, midwife, and ultrasound tech that I saw all asured me that everything looks great. However, just to be cautious, they have me on bedrest until Monday morning when I go in for another appointment. At first, I was thinking this sounded great! Jason rearranged his schedule so that he could be home to watch Jacob (a day with no diapers! Yipee) and wait on me hand and foot. (He is a wonderful husband). I had Mexican take-out last night and breakfast "in bed" this morning. But, now after 24 hours of this, I am crawling at the walls. This life is definitely not for me and I am SO hoping that I will be released of my confinement on Monday. The rest has helped though, and my "symptoms" seem to be gone. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers! This little girl seems to be shaping up for a big entrance into the world. I think this is a sign that she will not be "overshadowed" by our exuberent first born, as we once thought. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry! I had to do it for a day and it about drove me nuts! She wants to let everyone know that she is important too:-) Jacob is in for a big surprise with her around! She's going to rule the house! Haha! Thinking about you:-)
